Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Creativity as a form of epression

Creative objects such as drawings,paintings and pictures can be said to be one of the best sources used by people to express thier emotions or ideas.This comes as no suprise as it is said that a picture is worth a thousands words. So creativity cannot only be used to better people lives but it can also serve as a source of communication and self definition or expression if you may.

Thier are people who have created a standing identity based on thier creativeness, for example Bill Gates can said to be Microsoft and Steve Jobs; apple.They are not only defined by the names of thier companies but by the symbols or logos because the moment you see one of the logos your minded aoutomatically associates it with them and many other things as well under the brands.

So simply what i'm saying is that our creativity at some points defines us and in some way7 becomes our identity like the painter Banksy from the UK, his identity is not known but through his art people get an idea of his personality and thus his work slightly defines him.


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